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Central Jersey Women's Traveling League joined ezScoreboard for our 2003-2004 season. I can confidently say that our League has never had so much information available to us regarding personal and team statistics. Scores can be posted immediately after each match. Protests can be filed immediately. Roster violations are recognized by the computer and tagged once the scores are posted. Legal status of substitutes can be checked by looking up their current team registrations. With a special administration "grid" set up for us, we can see players' win/loss record to determine if they are rostered correctly. There is a spot on ezScoreboard where we can enter "Bulletins" to address issues with our league members. Our League Rules are posted on the website and can be downloaded by our members. EzScoreboard sets up a system to email all our league members, or just captains if desired. This summer we even set up a "player pool" where players could register if they wanted to play on different days or different teams and teams could register if they were actively recruiting players for next season. The inner network of communication has been strengthened by posting players' phone numbers and email addresses, so we have communication between 81 teams in our State.

The staff are delightful to work with and I have found them always available. The development team is very helpful with creating new functions or just explaining the functions you have available to you. I have emailed, phoned and faxed …they are always available.

There is a learning curve that has to take place with your league members regarding the use of the computer and it's full line of service. When this computer access is mastered there is no turning back and you wonder how you ever lived without it.

Barbara Halvorsen, President
Central Jersey Womens Tennis League

After searching for 15 years as president of the Garden State Indoor Tennis League to find a way to keep my almost 1500 members current on all rosters, standings, rules, bulletins, etc., I have finally found the perfect solution. A member of my League suggested I contact www.ezscoreboard.com/ which is used by another league in which she plays. The ezAdmin account executive with whom I have worked on a daily basis, answers all of my questions - usually within an hour of my emailing them! He has added features to which my members are accustomed that were not on the site. He then writes ezfaqs to explain how to use the features so that we can all understand it.

Not only has signing up with ezscoreboard brought our league into the 21st century, it has cut my work time by at least 70%. With a click of the mouse I can find information that I previously had to compile and calculate before I could evaluate and distribute it. And then, of course, there were my occasional human errors - which have now been eliminated!

Thank you ezscoreboard and thank you Mahomed!

Suzanne Flaherty, President
The Garden State Indoor Tennis League