Divisions         <Edit>
1st League Women's
18:Administrators, you can edit the parameters for 1st League Women's. This includes playing levels, registration fees, parameters to define how to enter results....

View results across 1st League Women's. This shows the results across the division for all teams. If you want to see team specific results, click on the Standings page, and then view the results by team. Note, the administrator of this league can block access to non-members.

View schedules/challenges across 1st League Women's. Where setup, you can use the schedule to enter the match result. Otherwise use the Standings link to enter match results. Note, the administrator of this league can block access to non-members.

View Reports for 1st League Women's, individual player statistics.Note, this view is restricted to team members only.

View standings for 1st League Women's, enter results, view schedules by team, view results by team, view team rosters, enter protests, etc. Note, the administrator of this league can block access to non-members.
2nd League Women's
18:Administrators, you can edit the parameters for 2nd League Women's. This includes playing levels, registration fees, parameters to define how to enter results....

View results across 2nd League Women's. This shows the results across the division for all teams. If you want to see team specific results, click on the Standings page, and then view the results by team. Note, the administrator of this league can block access to non-members.

View schedules/challenges across 2nd League Women's. Where setup, you can use the schedule to enter the match result. Otherwise use the Standings link to enter match results. Note, the administrator of this league can block access to non-members.

View Reports for 2nd League Women's, individual player statistics.Note, this view is restricted to team members only.

View standings for 2nd League Women's, enter results, view schedules by team, view results by team, view team rosters, enter protests, etc. Note, the administrator of this league can block access to non-members.
3rd League Women`s
18:Administrators, you can edit the parameters for 3rd League Women`s. This includes playing levels, registration fees, parameters to define how to enter results....

View results across 3rd League Women`s. This shows the results across the division for all teams. If you want to see team specific results, click on the Standings page, and then view the results by team. Note, the administrator of this league can block access to non-members.

View schedules/challenges across 3rd League Women`s. Where setup, you can use the schedule to enter the match result. Otherwise use the Standings link to enter match results. Note, the administrator of this league can block access to non-members.

View Reports for 3rd League Women`s, individual player statistics.Note, this view is restricted to team members only.

View standings for 3rd League Women`s, enter results, view schedules by team, view results by team, view team rosters, enter protests, etc. Note, the administrator of this league can block access to non-members.

League Officials <Edit>
Boards and Committees
18:Administrators, you can edit the parameters for Boards and Committees. This includes playing levels, registration fees, parameters to define how to enter results....


Quick Links
Change Organization
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Organisation View
Access the other leagues (past and present) supported by this organization.
Contact Information
From the organization hierarchy, send an email to members, administrators, captains, others.....
 Message Center
In a single view, view the rules, welcome messages, FAQ's for this league
Welcome Message
View the Welcome Message for this league. The administrators keep these up to date and they should all be current.
View the Rules for this league. The administrators keep these up to date and they should all be current.
View the most current bulletins. The administrators keep these up to date and they should all be current.
Playing Facilities
View information about clubs, schools, parks used by your league to host the matches/games you play. Includes maps with driving directions.
If open for registration, you can use this link to register into one of many categories....divisions, player pools, training sessions, ...
Manage/View Divisions
Collectively view all divisions. There are additional reports and information about each division found through this link.
Record Results
There are 2 ways to enter a result
1. Click the schedules link in line with your division and then select the relevant match schedule and enter a result from there.
2. Click the Standings link next to your division. In the Results column click on Record in line with your team name to enter a result.
Download Forms
Click this link to view forms/manuals/documents that have been uploaded by your administrator. The download page will allow you to download and save these documents to you machine.
  /  Print Online Forms
Click this link to view forms created for all your online registrations. You can print these forms and if required, mail them in to your league.
Other options...